Helpful Links

Conquering those Piles of Files!




Here are several links and downloads I think may be helpful. Some are loan documents themselves and others are ideas and tips for you to browse. (The links on this page are not endorsements of the companies, just helpful documentation)

The Note and the Deed of Trust are considered critical documents. In layman’s terms, the Note is your promise to pay the lender back and the Deed of Trust is the lender saying back to you “Ok, here are the rules.”

The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau is a great resource. Check out the clicks below for helpful insights.

Vesting – Ways to take Title – Below, in Section II, on the first page of the Loan Application you can see the box that says “Title will be held in what name(s)” – please note that is one of the places your vesting can come from. The Escrow Vesting Form is another source of vesting…   And a helpful vesting link.