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I can’t wait to hear from you!


Here are Three Helpful Loan Signing Tips:

  1. Go over your Closing Disclosure (CD) with your Loan Officer before your signing.
  2. Make sure your name and address are spelled correctly on your CD and the name matches your ID.
  3. Get ready to sign a lot of papers! Set aside at least 45 minutes and have an appropriate place in mind to sign your documents.

Watch the video below!



All Things Signature Related!

  1. When you sign your documents, you need to have a current Passport, State ID or Drivers License to show the Notary and the name on that ID must match the name on your loan documents. If you don’t have an ID, talk to your Escrow or Loan Officer ahead of time. 
  2. The name on your loan documents is usually taken from the name you put on the first page “Title to be held…” area on you Loan Application or The Escrow Vesting Form you fill out. So, make sure when you fill those out that they match your ID.

Here are examples:

Loan Application – Title Will Be Held…

Escrow Vesting Form

3. Most lenders like you to sign your name the way it reads on your loan documents while some lenders will take the signature from your ID. Just make sure to be consistent from the beginning to end of this process.

The video below should be more helpful!



Good News – If you don’t have an ID there is still a way to get your documents signed!

It’s called “credible witnesses”. Do you know two people who have proper ID and will say under oath that the name on the documents is another name that you are known as? Then you are good to go! But, remember, your “credible witnesses” cannot be a part of the transaction or benefit from the transaction in any way.

Watch the fun little video below to better understand:


Are you a first time home buyer?

Do you have no idea what to expect at your loan signing?

Have you heard horror stories about the stack of documents you will be signing?

Well, here is a six one minute video series I’ve created to help you “Meet Your Loan Docs!” 

Please take the next six minutes, “slide” through these six videos and get comfortable with the process that lies ahead for you.