As I fought my way down the 805 to South Bay in rush hour on a Friday, I had no idea what awaited me. Knocking at the door of what appeared to be a very noisy residence, an adorable young woman flung open the door greeting me with a smile.

“Hi, I’m Dolly, I’m here to sign loan documents.” I smiled back.

Then a puzzled look crossed her face as she glanced toward someone in the house.  “Oh… Ok, here comes my mom.” she replied and walked back into what I would come to find was her High School Graduation Party.

I hesitated as her mom waved me in, looking at a somewhat packed house, there were lots of eyes and smiles greeting me as I made a waving motion around the room and tried to inconspicuously follow “the mom” into the kitchen. As we cleared a portion of  the kitchen counter to sign documents, family and friends continued to celebrate around us. Though I didn’t speak their language, I know I was being offered a piece of graduation cake and something to drink.

Sometimes during the signing,  the laughter would get so loud it couldn’t be ignored and the beautiful woman signing her loan documents would even have to laugh too. Then she would interpret the joke for me, even if it was at her own expense.

They were a lovely family, having a wonderful moment in time and I was glad to be a part of it. A single mom buying a home and a beautiful daughter with her whole life ahead of her, choosing to celebrate her graduation at home with family and close friends. Thank you!