Here are two of life’s moments I’ve had the honor of sharing this week, they are so completely different, yet they hold a common thread, life is about home and family.

Four Generations

Many years ago a mother helped her son and daughter-in-law buy their first home with the gift of five thousand dollars. Though the couple have since owned and lived in many different houses in several different states, they have held on to that first purchase all of these years. They have recently welcomed their first grandchild into this world and feel it is time for their son and his family to have their own home. So, they are selling their first little house and using the money to pay forward the gift they received many years ago by putting a down payment on a house for the new little family.

Family, Love, Blessings… that’s why I love my job!

Starting Over

Newly divorced within the last few years and not a young man, two years ago this gentlemen bought a condo in a not so desirable part of town. Yes, it was a concern when his kids were with him on weekends. But, he made it work and has gained enough equity to sell that condo and put a down payment on a house in a better neighborhood with a little yard. It was a celebration. But, we had to sign the documents quickly because he had a date, someone he had met online, he shyly confessed.

Oh, the times, they are a changin’…

New Beginnings, Fresh Starts, Making Lemonade… that’s why I love my job!