Haven’t seen any blogs lately?

It’s because I have been spending most of my time working on a new six one minute video series called “Meet Your Loan Docs”. Between writing, memorizing, shooting, making slides, editing footage and documents, etc., it is all consuming! I am a one woman show so everything you see, I pretty much do it.

My “That Loan Signing Lady” character was created for me by an artist, but I have spent hours in Photoshop turning her into my alter ego superhero character, “The Notarizer” for this video series. I hope you like her as much as I do.

This video series briefly explains a good portion of the documents in your loan stack and the industry break down of them. I know, it can be pretty boring stuff but hopefully I’m bringing it to life in a easy to understand and relatively entertaining way.

September 1st is the goal to have this project completed. So, be on the look out because six new videos are coming your way! Then I will have time to get back to blogging again. I have some pretty good stories to tell, so I can’t wait.