“Can you come into the office at 4 o’clock for a signing?” I heard on the other end of the line.

“Sure.”  I instinctively answered.

“Wait, what time is it now?” I thought out loud, as I glanced at the clock, 3:05pm.

“Ok, I better get goin’ then” I blurted out.

“See you in a little while” I concluded and hung up.

I arrived at the office just ahead of the agent. It is not to often that agents or loan officers attend the signings, so I always welcome them. This agent was an adorable Persian lady who wanted to be there for her nervous first time home buyers.

As we settled into the conference room, her buyers arrived. She entered first with a sheepish smile on her face, a beautiful young Persian woman with her husband right behind, wearing a bold American flag t-shirt with I huge inviting smile on his face. They were perfect and I loved them right away!

As the signing commenced, I learned they been in America less then five years and both had regular retail/hospitality industry jobs. Yet, here they were buying their first home and living the American dream. Though the wife seemed hesitant, the husband was all in and ready to do this.

I told him I liked his shirt, as the agent joked he was celebrating the 4th of July early.

“It’s never to early for the 4th of July,” I answered and acknowledged that I too, would be getting my 4th of July nails done the next day.

Welcome to the American dream, we’ve been waiting for you!