They wanted to meet at the downtown library to sign their loan documents. I didn’t bother to ask what they looked like, what they were wearing, etc. I mean it shouldn’t be to hard to find someone in a library, right?

Well, obviously I had never been to the massive multi-level downtown San Diego Library before, because finding someone there is like finding a needle in a haystack! But once we connected it was easy and they were a lovely couple.

At one point during the signing, he had to call his loan officer with a quick question about his loan and when he did, he referred to me as “the notarizer”. Now, I don’t know if it was because I was in a gigantic library full of creative inspiration or it was just my crazy imagination working over time, but I couldn’t help myself, when I got home I created this meme and turned myself into a Super Hero! If only we still had phone booths… 🙂